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Matthew Scott Jones

Matthew Scott Jones


I’m a start-up founder and institutional macro investor.

The connecting theme between all my endeavours is a constant curiosity and careful observation of human behavioural patterns. Utilizing data and qualitive insights enable calculated experiments to test what the future will look like.

I was previously the co-founder and CEO of Zephyr - 7, a venture backed seed stage startup that was on a mission to take video game social interactions and play to the next level. Proudly backed by Greycroft Partners & strategic gaming investors Overwolf.

I spent many years of my career as a professional macro investor, thinking about inflection points in social, economic, and technology trends.

My background has given me broad experience across all asset classes, derivatives and geographies. I've been fortunate to work at world-leading hedge funds, family offices, and tier 1 global financial institutions.

These include, amongst others, Tudor Investment Corporation & Point72.

Along my journey, i've been involved in various early stage startups as a founder or advisor. I am a huge proponent of design thinking, and love the proactive & positive energy in the startup community.

I've previously been an On Deck founder fellow (ODF8 + ODF20) and part of a startup incubator run by Antler, an early-stage technology VC.

I think of myself as high on EQ, a broad strategic thinker, a clear communicator, and a competent generalist. I am a people person and love building relationships and connecting people together.

I believe greatly in the principle of playing long term games, with long term people

Please see my "Now" page for more updated information about what I'm working on / thinking about currently.

Historical Context


One of my earliest childhood ambitions was to be an architect or designer. Despite never pursuing that path professionally, I think of myself as a creative and visual thinker.

Science Fiction

I've always been drawn to the world of science fiction. I love imagining future technologies and different ways humans could live.

Video Games

Gaming was a hugely important part of my life while growing up. I was captivated by the medium of interactive storytelling and the rich online communities around it.

Virtual Reality

My first VR experience was on a 'Virtuality' headset in Picadilly Circus in the late 90's. The experience was primitive but left a lasting impression. I have been an enthusiast waiting for the tech to mature ever since.


The first time I got my hands on a computer I was eager to learn and experiment during the early days of the internet. I often wonder what my path would have been like had I pursued technology full time.

Market Psychology

Markets to me have always been about human emotion and narratives. Macro investing resonated with me as a unique lense to view global developments and changes in society.


Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, I've always been on the lookout for opportunities and ways to help other founders. There is something infectious about the proactive and uplifting nature of creating a new endeavour.


I love reading about history, it gives us such perspective on the extreme situations and societal movements that humans are capable of getting themselves into..

Hobbies & Interests

Motorbike Racing

A chance bet with a friend on new years day was the reason I learned to ride a motorbike. It turned out to be one of my greatest passions.


I didn't grow up around horses, but something about them connected with me later in life. I've been fortunate to spend time in the saddle, whether jackarooing in Australia, to the fields of Argentina.

Ice Hockey

Any Brit that plays ice hockey should admit that a contributing factor for starting was in some capacity the Mighty Ducks films. Sadly I don't play much these days.

Cosmology & Astronomy

There is still so much we don't know about the universe. I find it fascinating to learn about and humbling to think how tiny we are.

What next?

Please see my now page for the latest